We offer Best Violin Instrumental Orchestra for Wedding Reception, Birthday Party, & Corporate Events.
Our wedding music band providing pure and true entertainment to our audiences, as you see the value of our great performances. Our goal is to bring your event grand with our Music Band in Chennai, unlike anything you have ever seen before.
In Cine Instrumental Light Music Band, the songs are performed in different languages such as Tamil, Telugu, Hindi & English are performed in the musical instruments like Violin, Saxophone, Flute & Veena etc, which gives you pleasant experience in your event.
Instrument genre doesn't include the vocal section
In this genre, any kind of cine or classical songs will be performed
Our Instrumental orchestra in Chennai consists of young & experienced artist.
We are here to make your weddings pleasant through our music. We "Saxophone Vignesh Orchestra" offers you a wide range of choices to enhance your event more entertaining. We do: Violin Instrumental Live Concert for Wedding Reception Carnatic Violin Instrumental Music Violin Fusion Band DJ with Instrumental Music