Every Sax Beginner has to learn these three simple tips before playing the Saxophone. Many people find playing the saxophone difficult, but playing the saxophone will be easy with these steps.
STEP 1: Choose the Best Saxophone Reeds for you

Select a reed that is clean and undamaged. There are different reed strengths. For Beginner, we recommend 2.5 size Rico Reeds. Make sure that the reed is good and moist before you begin to play

Don't use broken reeds. The broken reeds produce the worst sound on the saxophone. Always handle the reeds with care.
STEP 2: Place the reed properly on Sax Mouthpiece

Attach the reed to the mouthpiece using the ligature. The end of the reed needs to be exactly level with the centre to the tip of the mouthpiece. Tighten the ligature key so the reed doesn't move. The ligature should be tight enough to hold the reed firmly. Always clean moisture on reed often.
STEP 3: Attach the mouthpiece to the Sax Neck
Twist the mouthpiece gently onto the sax neck as far as it will comfortably go. Be careful not to dislodge the reed from its position.
The exact position of the mouthpiece affects the tuning. Pull the mouthpiece off a little to lower the pitch, and push it on to raise the pitch.
Spread a little cork grease to the cork on the sax neck to prevent cracking.
Best Saxophone Reeds in India:
There are many saxophone reeds in India, but some of them are locally made and not up to the standards. We recommend some of the best saxophone reeds, you can buy it.